Glossary of Terms

# A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

A.N.T. – The PLADECO Aerial, Terrestrial & Nautical Infantry.

Albrit – Albion British

Càochutiya – Earthborn swearword for dumbfuck, a fusion of Mandarin and Hindi.

Cerc – Slang term for Cercidalean.

Crimsonborn – a term that describes humans native to the planet Cercidale.

Dēvatā Gāisǐ de – Earthborn swearword for goddamn it, a fusion of Mandarin and Hindi.

Earthborn – a term that describes humans native to the planet Earth, Terra Sollus and their respective colonies.

Gadhuā – Earthborn swearword for asshole, a fusion of Mandarin and Hindi.

GUPR – The Galactic Union of Planetary Republics, a star-spanning hyperpower located in the Milky Way.

Imperium Common Tongue – The main language spoken within the Kedri Imperium by Kedri and some non-Kedri.

JSOG – UComm Joint Special Operations Group

Korcei – The native tongue of the Korvenite species.

Macrom – Union unit of time

Maicào – Earthborn swearword for motherfucker, a fusion of Mandarin and Hindi.

Martianborn – a term that describes humans native to the planet Mars and its respective colonies.

Maximum – the blanket term used for sentient beings exhibiting abilities beyond the normal potential of their species.

Nanoclic – Union unit of time

Orv – Union unit of time

PLADECO – Union Command Planetary Defense Corps, the arm of Union Command tasked for the non-aerospace defense of Union memberworlds.

Port Speak – A verbal and non-verbal dialect used mainly at interplanetary spaceports that includes a mix of several foreign dialects, including Standard.

Rogguts – A Cercidalean expression that conveys surprise or annoyance.

Sprout – Cercidalean slang for a child or young person.

Standard Speak – The main language spoken within Union Space. Bears a strong resemblance to the Old Earth dialect of English.

Star Brigade – Strategic Assault & Reconnaissance Brigade, an Beta-Tier JSOG unit.

Stormborn – a term that describes humans native to the planet Pogoll and its respective colonies.

Tattshǐ – Earthborn swearword for shit, a fusion of Mandarin and Hindi.

Transmat – Transmaterialization, or teleporting matter across vast distances.

TriTran – 3-Dimensional Transponder used for hologram communications.

TROJAN – The Space Marine Tactical Reconnaissance Operations and Infiltration Regiment, an Alpha-Tier JSOG unit.

UComm – Union Command Armada, the Galactic Union’s military arm.

UIB – Union Intelligence Bureau, the agency which heads the Galactic Union’s intelligence community.